Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Terror Teacher Tuesdays

Image result for Bad teacher vs good teachers
Have you ever wondered what it was like to actually become a teacher? Like who actually thanks a teacher for doing what they do? Other teachers? Parents? Principals? Why don't teachers get the recognition that they deserve? Even though teachers should do what they do because they want too. Don't you think that teachers now a days deserve a little more. It seems as if teachers deal with more troublesome students, drama, and attitudes than a parent of 6 teenage girls. Now tell me how can one person possible deal with all that within a short time period without exploding? Ask a teacher. What's a teacher's worst nightmare? A disrespectful student, finding someone to cover their class for the day? Did you know they have to do that? A teacher holds more to his/her plate then many realize. So why don’t they get the recognition they deserve? Why can’t they get a simple thank you. Why can’t parents realize how much they put up with. Why must they always be the blame because a student's grade. Has one ever stopped to think maybe it’s just the student? Now I do know there is some bad teachers out there. Yet, some people feel like once they run into one bad teacher, they run into all of them after, without even giving a teacher a chance. Teachers are amazing people. So give them exactly what they need. A simple thank you. That's all they need, it could honestly change a teacher into something a student may need.

Monday, October 3, 2016

The teachers of our roots

Image Credit : Online Central

When you think of a tree you don't think of how much it could mean. I see the beginning of a lot. A tree holds roots, roots began to sprout and tree begins to form. As branches grow, they also fall off, some stay with the tree, some take a different 'route. A tree can symbolize the life of a student. As a young child about the age of 5 we began school we began to have socials live, we began to interact with teachers on a daily basis. Teachers began to plant seeds within our heads without us even knowing. They show us how important or not we are. They help build our intelligence, our faith in ourselves. They help us believe that we can do whatever we want. Yet as we grow older, some of us continue to follow the path we have had set for us. Some of us fall off that path and go onto darker things. Some of us break free and began to grow into something even better.
As you look at the image you see tree branches going in many different directions. Some shoot up, some lay sideways, some droop down as if they have been forgotten.Each branch has its own shape and form. Each branch is different. Some may say I looked at this tree a little too hard. Yet I like to say, I was taught to look at everything with creativity. Every picture says more than what it was destined to. I like to look at this tree, and see how much a teacher can affect a student in life.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

About this blog

Image Credit : Games and Learning
My blog is going to be for incoming college students who have yet to chosen the career they want in life. I'd like to persuade as many people as I can into seeing what positive outcomes can come from becoming a teacher. I'd like them to see that a teacher isn't just an educational tool. A teacher can be much more, a teacher could be a students path to greatness if they allow that teacher to be. Many people look at teachers as if they are crazy, for dealing with children. Yet, teachers should have the most respect from anyone with kids, even those without.
Teachers can be the reason our days to come, become better. They hold the key to the newer generations path in life. Yet many of them, and many parents don't realize that. The trust, and relationships built with teachers are unbelievable. Yet they are well hidden by the students. We must get students to believe it is okay to have a teacher on your side, but in order to do that. We must find more teachers who are willing to work with students and gain their trust. I'd love to hear the good and bad ideas others have about becoming a teacher, and how a teacher does or doesn't affect the life of young children! I'd like to hear what are the down falls of becoming a teacher, and could they be looked at in positive way? All feedback is welcomed!