Tuesday, September 27, 2016

About this blog

Image Credit : Games and Learning
My blog is going to be for incoming college students who have yet to chosen the career they want in life. I'd like to persuade as many people as I can into seeing what positive outcomes can come from becoming a teacher. I'd like them to see that a teacher isn't just an educational tool. A teacher can be much more, a teacher could be a students path to greatness if they allow that teacher to be. Many people look at teachers as if they are crazy, for dealing with children. Yet, teachers should have the most respect from anyone with kids, even those without.
Teachers can be the reason our days to come, become better. They hold the key to the newer generations path in life. Yet many of them, and many parents don't realize that. The trust, and relationships built with teachers are unbelievable. Yet they are well hidden by the students. We must get students to believe it is okay to have a teacher on your side, but in order to do that. We must find more teachers who are willing to work with students and gain their trust. I'd love to hear the good and bad ideas others have about becoming a teacher, and how a teacher does or doesn't affect the life of young children! I'd like to hear what are the down falls of becoming a teacher, and could they be looked at in positive way? All feedback is welcomed!


  1. I love your blog! As a future educator myself I was inspired by what you wrote. I do not think teachers get enough credit. People do no realize what all a teacher does and how valuable they are in a child's life. The right teacher can change a child's life and inspire them to reach their dreams. I am interested to see future posts on your sight. Thank you for shedding some light on such an important profession!!

  2. Becoming an educator is seriously hard work! My sister is majoring in secondary mathematics education. Most people don't know that secondary education majors are almost dual majoring and how difficult it is. Teachers are a vital part of this society and they help to grow young minds. But so many young inspiring teachers are losing hope with some of the course work. For example my sister has to take a class that is only offered once every 2 years, so if she doesn't get into the class she can't graduate.
