Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Terror Teacher Tuesdays

Image result for Bad teacher vs good teachers
Have you ever wondered what it was like to actually become a teacher? Like who actually thanks a teacher for doing what they do? Other teachers? Parents? Principals? Why don't teachers get the recognition that they deserve? Even though teachers should do what they do because they want too. Don't you think that teachers now a days deserve a little more. It seems as if teachers deal with more troublesome students, drama, and attitudes than a parent of 6 teenage girls. Now tell me how can one person possible deal with all that within a short time period without exploding? Ask a teacher. What's a teacher's worst nightmare? A disrespectful student, finding someone to cover their class for the day? Did you know they have to do that? A teacher holds more to his/her plate then many realize. So why don’t they get the recognition they deserve? Why can’t they get a simple thank you. Why can’t parents realize how much they put up with. Why must they always be the blame because a student's grade. Has one ever stopped to think maybe it’s just the student? Now I do know there is some bad teachers out there. Yet, some people feel like once they run into one bad teacher, they run into all of them after, without even giving a teacher a chance. Teachers are amazing people. So give them exactly what they need. A simple thank you. That's all they need, it could honestly change a teacher into something a student may need.

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